The professionals that we recommend

Wedding videography is a skill on its own, so we have decided to leave this to the experts and for us to concentrate on what we do best.

So we currently recommend 1 videographer who we believe fit our criteria, just for you.

  1. They produce excellent work.
  2. They are great to work with.
  3. They are very reliable.
  4. Their prices are very competitive.

So with this, we are comfortable that who you choose will focus on capturing artistic stories of life-changing moments. Their work is not just a chronological compilation of wedding day events. It’s a celebration of your relationships with each other, with your families, and with your closest friends.

So if you are interested in adding videography to your package contact us for prices and packages.

Please enjoy samples of their work below.

Giorgos Andreou

Giorgos Andreou Videography

Wedding Photography

We offer trash the dress, engagement and locations shoots.

Photography Studio

Our fully equipped studio offers all kinds of photography including newborn & family.

Wedding Videography

We have teamed up with a number of brilliant wedding videographers.

Wedding Planners

We work with and can recommend a number of excellent wedding planners.

Contact us for more information


Click below to see more work from some of our beautiful recent weddings

Giorgos Andreou Videography

Next Day Wedding Teasers